Online Google Disavow File Generator

Create Google Disavow text files online with this free tool!  Create and download your formatted Disavow .txt file.

While I created this tool to make the creation of disavow files easier for myself I decided to release it for others to use.  Keep in mind that this disavow generator properly formats and creates a text file for you to download based on full domains and not individual pages.  If you are trying to disavow individual pages on a domain you will still need to do that manually.

Features of the Disavow Generator:
You can copy and past a list of domains into the tool and click generate to output the formatted content for a txt file as well as create a link so you can download the generated text file as well.

Future of the Disavow Generator tool:
Currently the tool as stated was created for my personal use.  This said now that the tool is up and available for everyone we will be adding features based on community interest.  If we see it getting used then we will start adding features and if not then we will likely leave it alone since it works for our needs.

How to use the Online Disavow Generator Tool:
Its very easy, go to Google Webmaster Tools or any other service like MajesticSeo and export a list of domains that you would like to have disavowed by Google.  Next copy and paste the list of domains (1 per line) and click Generate.  The outcome will be a list to the right of the properly formatted domains as well as a link at the bottom of the tool to allow you to download the text file in the proper format to upload to Google without having to touch it.

If you have any questions about the tool feel free to ask here until I have a chance to get a form on the tool to contact me that way.

Go to the Free Online Disavow TXT File Generator Tool

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